
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Website RFP? No Thank You. Here’s Why.
  • The OMG Collective

Website RFP? No Thank You. Here’s Why.

From time to time, we receive an RFP (request for proposal) from a business – usually one looking for an agency to develop/redevelop their website. Over the years we’ve learned quite a bit from our experiences answering a few, not answering others, winning some and losing others. Ultimately, we’ve decided to take a stance: No more RFPs. Here’s why.

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Bad Clients, The Best Money You Never Made
  • The Vast Universe

Bad Clients, The Best Money You Never Made

Have you heard? Not all clients are created equal. Yeah, really. Great clients will enhance your creative skills, your reputation, and your bottom line however Bad ones can make you question your skills, destroy your reputation, and result in the worst money you have ever made. Here's why and why you should learn to DARE to "Just Say No!" when you feel the itch of taking on a Bad Client.

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15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do
  • The Vast Universe

15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do

We LOVED this article because it holds SO true for us here at MMG and how we not only treat others but how we conduct business on a day to day basis. Enjoy! Highly confident people believe in their ability to achieve. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else put their faith in you? To walk with swagger and improve your self-confidence, watch out for these fifteen things highly confident people don’t do.

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  • The Vast Universe


We are finally jumping on the public SCREW SOPA bandwagon. Corporate supporters of HR3261 (SOPA) and S968 (PIPA) demand the ability to take down any web site that affects their profits -- without due process or judicial oversight -- in the name of combating "online piracy." Hoping you won't notice or care, quite a few of our Public Servants want to give them that right.

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25 Things to Test Before Your Site Goes Live (UPDATED)
  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

25 Things to Test Before Your Site Goes Live (UPDATED)

(UPDATED) Launching a website is a little like making homemade soup. You’ve got many ingredients coming together, and before you’re done adding them, you sample it to see that you got it just right. But this step – the testing – is often ignored before a site goes live. Testing a new website can seem overwhelming. Teams aren’t sure where to start. Here's how.

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